I am compiling this list of backmarks, as a service for the button collector. Record of american uniform and historical buttons, by alphaeus h. Whereas alberts book is simply a cataloguing of military buttons, tices book is a comprehensive and exhaustive study. I plan to secure a couple of general staff buttons as part of a civil war button collection. His book, the first book listed below, is a must for us military button collectors, as well as various other references on buttons and backmarks. Unknowns online database of early british military buttons. This is meant to be a supplement to that work by photographing the backmarks not pictured in that book, and development of a numbering system. Pre war civil war button gallery general staff buttons. The other possibility is the watford volunteer infantry, raised in sept 1803 and still shown as such in the 1807 list.
Its available from one or two agents in this country and is the best book by far. Identifying us military uniform button backmarks age, type. Civil war collectors guide to alberts button book, by daniel j. Known button types, associated with the maker, or with particular backmarks, are also noted where it is considered that they might be helpful. The earliest known use of a military button depicting an arm and sword would be henry jacksons independent boston militia in 1776.
Tice also often gives a short history of the button, or of the military men known to have worn that specific variety of button. This typically includes dates when the companies were established, taken over or ceased trading. Books in my library on us military buttons include. Tice notes in his book that scovills made buttons with extremely wide rims. Vmi virginia military institute button with an 1860through1880s d.
Early 1850s eagle coat button with recessed backmark of scoville. The bible for buttoncollectors is the big book of buttons by hughes and lester. The first use of a semi federalarmy was in 1794, when george washington. By1807 they are shown to be part of hoddesdon, stanstead as spelt and ware. Mostly american military brass uniform buttons, and four button reference books. This backmark button was thought to be used during the civil war by. Scully, class ring, sewing, buttons, dressmaking, couture, fabric sewing, stitching, needlework.
This book would make an excellent gift for that civil war enthusiast. During the second half of the eighteenth century, manufacturers of metal buttons began to brand their products by marking the backs with their names and often their addresses. Button art button crafts metal detecting tips vintage buttons makers mark this book united states military antiques. The backmarks consist of the companys name or initials alone, or the name and address together. Tips to identify the types and age of us military uniform buttons including backmarks, device, and construction. Tice also lists more backmarks, and makes many statements concerning the scarcity or availability of certain buttons or varieties of buttons, this is something that albert neglected to do.
Identifying us military uniform button backmarks age, type, design, and. These backmarks can provide useful information for dating the buttons, as details of the various companies. I am a relatively new collector and have sincerely appreciated the information above. Antique buttons identification identifying us military. Eight alternating dots and quatrefoils between two rings of dots, rm.
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